
Sable International / PathWayUSA EB-5 Residency-by-Investment Seminar in London, UK

When: 11/19/2024 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Sable International Office, Central London, UK
An opportunity to meet with EB-5 specialists to learn about getting a U.S. Green Card through Investment - the qualifying requirements, investment requirement, costs and time-lines.
We will also have people on hand to talk about alternative U.S. visa opportunities.
If moving to the USA is on your 'wish-list', this is the perfect opportunity to get everything you NEED to know, SHOULD know and WANT to know about U.S. Immigration & Relocation.
Registration is free but essential.

We can help you!

Relocating to a new country like the USA can be a minefield of choices and decisions. PathWay USA takes the angst out of these important decisions ...
Find out more
Dianne Stewart